


Associate Professor, Department of Media Arts, School of Progressive Arts

Kobe Biennale held until October, 6th through November, 25th, 2007. I exhibited in one and Art in container competition of the meeting, and won a special prize. It is competition that can be received like exhibit the installation having already been suggested from the point being set for a limited special space and the holding period. It thought, and it was practiced what possibility you existed from a standpoint own that made the inside and the computer animation of this limited condition a specialty. This text is assumed to be the one to report on the details.

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-神戸ビエンナーレ2007 アート イン コンテナ-


2007年10月6日から11月25日までの51日間、神戸メリケンパークにて「出会い」というテーマで「神戸ビエンナーレ2007」が開催された。作者は、アート イン コンテナコンペティションにて、豚の群れる姿から触れ合いをイメージし、12mの輸送用コンテナの空間に約2000個のミニ豚が埋まるように量産し、豚の群像作品「群」を発表した。


A crowd / A group of a pig -Art in container competition at Kobe Biennale 2007-

Assistant, Department of Plastic Arts, School of Progressive Arts

For 51 days from October 6 to November 25 2007, "Kobe Biennale 2007" were held in Kobe Meriken Park. A theme is "an encounter". I participated in “Art in container competition". I imaged contact, and I produced about 2000 mini-pigs, these were exhibited in a transportation business container of 12M. A title of art-work is "a crowd".

In a meeting place, I carried out a workshop of a wax sculpture and was able to touch a person of appreciation. By the writings of the text, I reviewed a work of Kobe Biennale 2007 and was able to look back on a future problem of my art-work.

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2008年3月竣工の「神戸芸術工科大学クリエイティブセンター」は、授業外の制作活動を行うラボラトリー、大学院プロジェクト室、産学連携のための芸術工学研究所を主とする施設である。本稿ではクリエイティブセンターの建築空間としての形式を、現代建築にまで連なる古典主義的規範との関係で論じ、写真家・平 剛 氏の撮影写真とともに解説している。

Formal system of “Creative Center for Kobe Design University"

Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Design, School of Design

Creative Center for Kobe Design University was completed on March, 2008. It is a facility for Arts and Design and consists of the inter-disciplinary studio, project rooms for graduate school and the research institute.

This report reveals the subtle schema of classical architecture which embedded in existing context of university campus and describes formal system for the building of Creative Center.


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