



The relation between story and methods of expression in manga and cinema

Assistant, Department of Media Arts, School of Progressive Arts

This paper is an examination of the variety of methods of expression used within the fields of film and manga. I argue that the artistic focus of a particular work greatly influences the artist's choice of expressive techniques, whether that focus is the plot, the characters, or the form itself. I begin my analysis with an investigation of the relationship between “traditional" plot-focused film and manga and the techniques commonly employed therein (in particular, continuity in the case of film and cinematic techniques (eigateki shuhou) in the case of manga). I then move on to examine the “alternative" methods of expression utilized in character- and form-focused works, providing specific examples from the realms of both cinema and manga. Finally, I argue that the existence of these “alternative" methods has served to broaden the range of expressive techniques used in story-focused works.

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Creation of New Culture: Activities of "Kiroku-eiga wo miru kai", Kyoto
Part 1: Seeing films: its independent screenings and the case of "The Battleship Potemkin" in early and mid period

Professor, Department of Plastic Arts, School of Progressive Arts

People's group named "Kiroku-eiga wo miru kai (literally a society for seeing documentary films)" was formed with members of approximately seven hundred in Kyoto in 1955. As a cine-club, the aim of the society was to open a new field of mutual communication between independent documentary films and other films which seldom had opportunities to be screened so far with cineastes included on the one hand, and citizens of Kyoto on the other. So the society started to hold regular independent showings once a month with guests of filmmakers and discussions after showings. It also carried on other related activities such as traveling screenings and publication of magazines. It preferred to be a section of the cultural movement in Japan after the second world war. Research is divided into two parts according to two principles of seeing and making which the society seemed to pursue. These two are in relation to the period of its about seven years existence; first five years and last two respectively. In this first part, the very concept of the society will be scrutinized, its activities described chronologically and the meaning of 'seeing' discussed.

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Preliminary Research on the Possibility of Color Addition by the Anodizing Method for Titanium Substrates

KIM, Jong Ki
Assistant, Department of Product Design, School of Design
OGURA, Shigetaro
Professor, Graduate School of Art and Design

Recently anodizing technique for titanium metal products becomes of more keen interest because of the titanium's own nature. Anodizing technique has provided such possibility, but up to now the color obtained reveals somehow primary color. In this paper, we proposed a compound process, i.e. at first chemical oxidization, then followed by further anodizing process, so that the colors between primary colors have been successfully obtained. In addition we tried the color analysis for the specimen obtained both by ordinary and our anodizing techniques using a colorimeter. Finally, we present examples of titanium piece fabricated, adopting a freehand drawing technique

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*1 本研究で利用するシーボルトの瀬戸内海に関する著書は次の7冊である。
1)フィリップ・フランツ・フォン・シーボルド 中井晶夫他訳:日本 第1~3巻、図録第1~2巻:雄松堂出版:1977~1978 2)ジーボルト 斎藤信訳:江戸参府紀行:平凡社:1967 3)シーボルト 石山禎一他訳:シーボルト日記:八坂書房:2005
*2 本研究で利用するケンペルの瀬戸内海に関する著書は次の3冊である。
1)ケンペル 斎藤信訳:江戸参府旅行日記:平凡社:1977 2) エンゲルベルト・ケンペル 今井正訳:日本誌 上・下:霞ケ関出版: 1989
*3 本研究で利用する朝鮮通信使の瀬戸内海に関する著書は次の1冊である。
1)申維翰 姜在彦訳:海游録:平凡社:1974
*4 本研究で利用するリヒトホーフェンの瀬戸内海に関する著書は次の2冊である。
1)リヒトホーフェン 海老原正雄訳:支那旅行日記 上・下巻:慶応出版社:1943

A Study on the Revaluation of Scenic Value of SETOUCHI that Siebold et al. Saw

SAIKI, Takahito
Professor, Department of Environmental Design, School of Design
Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Design, School of Design
Professor, Department of Product Design, School of Design
SOWA, Tomoyuki
Associate Professor, Department of Product Design, School of Design
UEHARA, Misato
Assistant Professor, Department of Forest Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Shinshu University
Fellow, Research Institute of Arts and Design
The Arts and Design Division (Doctoral Degree Course), Graduate School of Arts and Design at Kobe Design University

The purpose of this study is to re-evaluate the value of local identity in SETOUCHI (The Inland Sea), by doing fieldworks and researches about the current situation and the historical transition of the coastal culture of SETOUCHI, from the viewpoint of environmental design, especially “coastal scenery" and “land use".

For this study, the Edo Era which is said that the most prosperous age in the history of SETOUCHI is focused, and the record written by Siebold who investigated SETOUCHI in detail, is used as the guiding principle.

It is hypothesized that the re-evaluation of the coastal culture of SETOUCHI from the marine point of view that has been only evaluated from the land point of view will lead the re-activation of SETOUCHI.


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