

Shape of mind
SHIMO, Hiroyasu
Associate Professor,Department of Media Arts,School of Progressive Arts

 My research focus is the production of 3DCG short animated films. CG animation is a dynamically changing field in which the artist must not only posess technical skill but also an artistic design sense and reconciling these two, technology and art, is very challenging.
 My aim in my personal work is to find the delicate balance between photo-realism and artistic expression in depicting my fantastical visions. I also endeavour to incorporate cutting edge technology.
Even though many of these techniques are often still at an immature stage I try through my teaching to share these advances with the students as quickly as possible.Due to the relentless pace of change in the CG animation field, what is currently an experimental technique may well be industry standard practice by the time of my student's graduation. Thus I myself continually learn through this dynamic and energetic process.
 But in particular I find one of the most enriching experiences to help students plan their graduation pieces. The creatively fertile environment of developing a new theory by exploring and structuring the narrative elements of their short films. It is my intention in this paper to reflect upon and analyse the mindset and creative process I have experienced while producing my works.

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蓮井睦子〈小玉研究室 研究助手〉

 本稿は、温暖地における版築壁の熱特性を生かしたパッシブデザインの可能性を検討した。厚い版築壁は、室内にある大きな蓄熱体としてのパッシブデザインへの活用に期待できる。ケーススタディとして用いた版築造実験居室の温熱性能をシミュレーションと実測により検討した結果、冬期においては冷えた外気が版築壁に蓄えられ室温は低温で安定し、大きな熱容量がデメリットとなることが確認された。次に、版築実験居室の温熱性能の改善を目的とし、シミュレーションを用いた改修モデルの検討を行い、その結果をフィードバックさせて夏期と冬期の2 つの改修モデルを決定した。改修後の実測結果から、冬期、夏期の温熱性能が改善され、版築壁を室内にある大きな蓄熱体として、日本の気候風土に適したパッシブデザインに活用できることが明らかとなった。また本稿のケーススタディを用いた性能予測とその結果の改修案へのフィードバック、改修後の温熱性能の実測に至るまでの過程において、設計を支援するデザインツールとしてのシミュレーションを用いたデザインプロセスの有用性が確認された。

Application of Thermal Performance of Rammed Earth Wall on Passive Design : A Case Study in Temperate Climate of Japan

KODAMA, Yuichiro
Professor, Department of Environmental Design, School of Design
MIYAOKA, Futoshi
The Arts and Design Division (Doctoral Degree Course), Graduate School of Arts and Design
HASUI, Chikako
Assistant, Kodama Research Office
Hatanaka Kumiko Design Office
Professor, Department of Life Design/Information, Hiroshima Jogakuin University

 In this paper, the possibility of rammed earth wall for passive design under temperate climate is discussed. The first experimental house was built in conventional way of rammed earth wall construction, and its poor thermal performance was found through the measurement on site. Two kinds of retrofitting were carried out after the various parametric studies with computer simulations: Summertime Model and Wintertime Model. The thermal performance of these models was discussed on the basis of on-site measuring and computer simulation analysis. Through retrofitting the models two times, the improvement of their thermal performance showed the progress of their suitability for passive design. In conclusion, the thermal performance of the rammed earth wall indicates the effectiveness of passive design fitting the needs of Japanese climate. We expect that the methodology using the models and measurement adopted in this paper would help the development of the research in this field further.


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